M3's Knowledge centre
Keeping up to date is important, so here's the news.
In the realm of investment strategies, dividend investing has long held a special place in the hearts of Australian investors.
Financial educator Vanessa Stoykov offers some tips to help shift your attitude towards money.
The ABC breaks down some of the main announcements from the 2024-25 Federal Budget.
In this video from the ABC, Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivers a speech on the floor of Parliament during Budget night.
It can be challenging to talk about money across generations. But starting those conversations with your parents can be crucial, especially when there are inheritances involved.
Many people aren’t comfortable discussing money, even with their partner. But sweeping money matters under the rug can lead to problems down the track.
Important as they might be, good financial management skills aren’t always taught in schools. What are some strategies parents can use to get their kids thinking about money?
Seeing your super or investments take a hit during a period of market volatility can be hard to stomach. But it pays to remember that fluctuations in share prices are part and parcel of investing.
It’s easy to ignore your super, but doing so can come at a great cost. Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell offers some tips to help boost your retirement savings if they’re off track.
Financial educator Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers a few tips for families looking to maximise their super.
Not sure what to do with the spare cash you have lying around? Financial educator Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some tips.
Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell shares some ways that gaps in our knowledge can affect our plans for retirement.
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon shares some tips to save money while still getting the most from your health insurance.
It can be difficult seeing your super balance go up and down, especially if you’re approaching retirement age. Here are some strategies to help you stay calm.
If you’re worried about making your retirement savings last, it might be time to switch things up a bit. The three bucket strategy is one approach worth considering.
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon shares some of the options available to mortgage holders who might be struggling to service their loan.
No one wants mortgage debt hanging over them for longer than necessary. Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some strategies to help you become debt-free sooner.
Watch the ABC News interview with Treasurer Jim Chalmers, where he discusses the measures outlined in the 2023-24 Budget.
This ABC News video explores some of the winners and losers of the 2023-24 Federal Budget.
Financial therapist Jane Monica-Jones shares some useful strategies to have in your toolkit if things get tough.
Inflation; it’s one of the most talked about topics right now. But what can it mean for your longer term financial position?
Simon Russell of Behavioural Finance Australia shares some insights to help get your super savings on track this year.
In this entertaining TED Talk, Riley Moynes offers some words of wisdom on how to make the most of your golden years.
Watch the ABC News segment on Labor’s 2022-23 Federal Budget and some of the proposed measures that underpin Labor’s promise of ‘Building a better future’.
In this ABC News video, Treasurer Jim Chalmers talks to Sarah Ferguson about the hard decisions that had to be made in Labor’s first Budget in nearly a decade.
If you’re nearing retirement, it’s important to make sure you understand sequencing risk and how to manage it.
Dr Joanne Earl from Macquarie University shares her research insights on the key ingredients to a positive and happy retirement.
Your home loan will likely be the largest debt you pay off in your lifetime, by taking a proactive approach you could free up cash flow sooner.
Dr. Kirsten MacDonald from Griffith University provides critical insights on how to avoid a triple whammy when making investment decisions in a crisis.
The 2022-23 Federal Budget papers provided information on the Government’s policy priorities (and proposed policy measures). In this ABC News video, James Glenday delves further into this information.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed policy measures in the 2022-23 Federal Budget. In this ABC News video, Leigh Sales interviews the Treasurer to discuss these measures in more detail.
On 1 February 2022, the RBA made the decision to maintain the cash rate target at 10 basis points. In this ABC News video, Alan Kohler discusses his thoughts on home loans and interest rates.
If you are considering the sale of business assets, you may be eligible for CGT concessions, which could help with any associated capital gain. In this animation, we illustrate small business CGT concessions.
The increase in remote working is likely here to stay—one way (fully remote) or another (hybrid). In this video, there are tips on how to work remotely without having productivity or wellbeing suffer.
Making an insurance claim after an unfortunate health event can add additional stress, especially if you are unfamiliar with the claims process. In this animation, we illustrate the claims process.
Saving for a home deposit can be a significant hurdle for first homebuyers. In this animation, we illustrate several thoughts and tips for prospective first homebuyers looking to save a home deposit.
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? In this TED Talk, Robert Waldinger shares lessons learnt from a study on happiness, and practical wisdom on building a fulfilling, long life.
In pre- and post-retirement, it’s important to understand the risks retirees can face and have a retirement plan in place to help weather them. In this animation, we illustrate longevity risk.
It can be difficult for someone who is separated or divorced—especially with children—to save an adequate home deposit. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details of the Family Home Guarantee.
Retirees will often experience three chapters as they progress through their retirement years: the early, middle, and late chapters. In this animation, we illustrate these three retirement chapters.
In the ever-changing landscape of financial markets, few voices carry as much weight as Warren Buffett’s.
If you play your cards right during a period of low rates, you can reap financial wins that pay off in the long term.
Commencing retirement doesn’t necessarily mean your tax paying days are behind you.
If your relationship ends, having a plan in place for your assets could spare you a lot of stress and heartache.
Going guarantor on your child’s mortgage can help fast track their home ownership goals. But as a parent, there’s a lot you’ll need to know before jumping on board.
Whether at the petrol pump or the supermarket checkout, sharp price increases are never welcome. But are there things we can do to protect against inflation?
“The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason is a classic personal finance book that was first published in 1926. It is a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon, which teach simple yet powerful financial lessons that are still relevant today.
Clearly residential real estate has defied the many doomsday forecasts made over the last few years, having moved through the bottom of its cyclical downturn in early 2023 and experiencing an overall strong recovery since.
When it comes to money, many of us are walking around with a set of rules that limit our ability to thrive financially.
Estate planning is a delicate business, and despite your best efforts there’s always a chance things might take a turn for the messy after you’re gone.
Regardless of your age, income or life goals, there are a few things everyone should consider putting on their financial to-do list this year.
It’s common for parents to give cash, cars, and even shares and property to their children. But how tax is applied — and who it’s applied to — differs across the board.
All those market fluctuations you learned to live with throughout your working life become much more consequential as you approach retirement.
In the lead-up to divorce, it’s crucial for women to grasp key financial principles before taking this life-changing step.
The more you know about the threats to your retirement savings, the more in control you’ll feel whenever they arise.
For many people, the life insurance discussion only starts in earnest when children enter the picture. But how exactly can the right life insurance benefit your family?
While there’s an excitement to not knowing what your post-work years have in store for you, chances are you don’t want to put a foot wrong.
Losing a loved one can be a devastating time, and it’s made all the more difficult if it falls to you to handle all the death-related admin.
Australia’s cities have long been viewed as engines of economic growth and opportunity, drawing people from across the nation and around the world with the promise of higher wages and enhanced career prospects.
Australia’s housing market has long been a cornerstone of wealth generation, yet its increasing inaccessibility poses significant challenges to financial stability and retirement planning.
Many Australians enter retirement with a lot of their wealth tied up in their home. But extracting cash from your property doesn’t have to involve selling it.
Though we might understand that there are more important things in life than money, it can be hard to keep things in perspective when others seem to be spending with abandon.
Most people will experience a financial setback at some point in their lives. But there are some events that can turn your world on its head and force you to start over.
Your insurance shouldn’t be set-and-forget. In fact, there are plenty of situations where reviewing your insurance can leave you and your family better off.
We tend to associate the term ‘cash flow’ with operating a business, but familiarising yourself with the concept can strengthen your personal finances too.
Beneficiary nominations are a vital aspect of superannuation that often go overlooked.
In today’s volatile financial landscape, navigating market fluctuations and securing wealth for future generations requires more than just strategic investments.
“Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits” is a seminal work on investing by Philip A. Fisher, first published in 1958. This influential book outlines Fisher’s investment philosophy, which focuses on identifying and investing in high-quality growth companies for the long term.
Investors often fall into the trap of thinking they’re more skilled than they actually are. But even if you’ve experienced a handful of wins, things can quickly take a turn.
Financial literacy in school age children is important, but the stakes get much higher once your kids start working and earning an income.
Financial freedom is about being able to pursue the lifestyle you want without being weighed down by financial concerns. We explore how you might be able to achieve that.
There are plenty of different investment types to choose from, but one of the more important distinctions you’ll encounter is between passive and active investments.
As you or your parents grow older, it’s easy to find yourself worrying about the cost of aged care. But is it so expensive that you’ll be forced to sell your home?
“The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel is a captivating exploration of how our minds shape our financial decisions. This insightful book delves into the com- plex relationship between human behaviour and money management, offering a fresh perspective on personal finance that goes beyond traditional advice.
Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial management that extends far beyond simply writing a will. It encompasses a range of strategies and legal arrangements designed to manage and distribute your assets after your death, as well as to plan for potential incapacity during your lifetime.
Simon Russell explores some of the mental shortcuts people often rely on when conducting their financial affairs, and whether we should use them more or discard them altogether.
Transferring a property to your child isn’t just a matter of swapping out the name on the title. There might be significant costs that both parties should prepare for.
Despite all your planning and budgeting, there’s every chance that you’ll encounter surprise expenses in retirement. We examine just a few.
Your annual super statement is a snapshot of how your super is going, but it’s also an opportunity to take a look under the hood and make sure you’re happy with its current settings.
Your super is likely one of your biggest financial assets, and unfortunately that makes it a popular target for scammers. We look at a few tactics they might use and what you can do to help stay safe.
While your super can seem like a 'set and forget' investment, you might find there are more suitable options than the default ones.
There are plenty of ways to give your child a head start financially. But is contributing to their super a good idea?
It’s no easy topic to broach with your parents, but if you’ve been putting off the aged care conversation, here are a few questions that can help get the ball rolling.
If you’re worried about entering retirement with lingering debt, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Having a blended family can add a whole lot of complexity to the estate planning process. Here are a few strategies to help give you peace of mind.
The world has undergone a transition in its financial climate, moving from low-rate, stable inflation conditions to a period of higher rates, a spiralling cost of living and rising uncertainty across financial markets.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica website explains that life expectancy is “an estimate of the average number of additional years that a person of a given age can expect to live.” The key word here is average, and there are different ways of calculating it.
The superannuation guarantee (SG) payment for PAYG employees increased by half a percentage point to 11.5% on July 1, 2024. This means employers are now required to con- tribute a higher percentage of an employee’s salary to their superannuation fund, boosting retirement savings for workers across Australia.
Changes in the value of the Australian dollar are important as they impact Australia’s international export competitiveness and the cost of imports, including that of going on an overseas holiday.
Is it better to pass on your wealth with warm or cold hands? As always, the answer depends. But there are a few pitfalls you should be aware of with each.
If you’re thinking about retiring soon, take some time to review your financial position and think about which of the following categories you might find yourself in.
The Stage 3 tax cuts have finally come into effect. We explore a few alternatives to spending the money that might benefit you in the long run.
Your child is sure to learn plenty of important money lessons once they start earning an income, but there’s still plenty you can do to nudge them in the right direction.
Behavioural economist Simon Russell discusses some of the ways that our unconscious mind might be calling the shots when it comes to investing.
As medical advancements and improved living conditions continue to extend human lifespans, the traditional concept of retirement is undergoing a significant transformation.
Today’s story looks at two key factors that determine the answers to the big questions when planning retirement finances: ‘How much do I need?’, and ‘How much can I afford to spend?’ - in order to have confidence that you can maintain your living standards, not run out of money, and not have to rely on welfare.
Superannuation, divorce and family law can be difficult enough to navigate on their own, but things can get especially complex when they’re bundled together. Here are some things to keep in mind when splitting super with an ex-spouse.
As the 2023-24 financial year draws to a close, we bring you a wrap up of important 1 July changes and some strategies to help put you in a strong position for the coming year.
If elaborate spreadsheets aren’t your thing, you might use these metrics to get a sense of how your finances are faring — and how far you have to go to reach your goals.
Knowing you’ll inherit your parents’ home may be welcome news, but things can get very tricky if you have siblings you’ll have to share it with. Here are a few avenues you might find yourself considering.
The demographics of how long we will live reveal some surprising statistics, especially in Australia. We frequently hear about people living into their nineties, and even one hundred years or more, but we read less about the other side of the demographics: how short many lives will be.
In the six months of my ongoing battle with brain cancer, one part of financial markets has fascinated me whenever I find time to read.
The Labor Government’s 2024-25 Federal Budget was unveiled on 14 May. We look at how the Government plans to manage the cost of living crisis while also keeping inflation in check.
If a relative or loved one dies owing money, does it fall on their next of kin to cover any unpaid debts? The answer might be more complicated than you first thought.
Take it seriously and your super will likely end up among the most important financial assets you own. Here are a few goals to keep in mind if you're looking to boost your super, no matter your age.
A redundancy payment can help lessen the sting of losing your job. These payments can sometimes be quite generous, so questions around tax are bound to come up.
You won’t be blamed for avoiding thinking about death and total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance. But depending on your occupation you might be doing yourself a disservice.
The Australian housing market is a complex and multifaceted landscape that can be challenging to navigate for beginners.
In Australia, baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are shaping the housing landscape with their unique preferences.
If you’ve given your child an early inheritance or a large sum to help buy a property, you might be wondering what would become of it if they were to split up with their partner.
Circumstances change, and you might be thinking about returning to work after having entered retirement. But is this allowed if you’ve already accessed your super?
Receiving a large sum of money can seem like a blessing at first. But the novelty and excitement can quickly give way to stress and decision paralysis.
Australians lost a total of $477 million to scams last year, with the majority of victims falling in the over-65 category. Here are a few common ploys used by cybercriminals you should be aware of.
If you’re looking to maximise your superannuation, it’s a good idea to be up to speed on any legal updates that could affect the super and tax landscape.
After another 80% or so plunge from its high in 2021 to its low in 2022, Bitcoin has rebounded again to a new record high.
Cheques and bank service, or the lack of, were major topics when I addressed a seniors’ group recently. The word had got out that the government was phasing out cheques, and many of the members of the audience were feeling abandoned.
It’s an age-old question, is it possible for a person to time the share market? All the data seems to be pointing very firmly to no. It’s simply too hard to do.
Late last year, Phoenix participated in an Investor Day, hosted by listed REIT, Mirvac Group, that focused on ‘Living Sectors’.
Having enjoyed a better than feared consumer-led recovery from COVID lockdowns, Australia’s economy in recent years has quickly been beset by a new problem
The Australian welfare system, including the Age Pension, was designed on the assumption that older people own their home and can age there.
I recently happened upon a practical and often humorous book about how to age successfully.
Over age 60, superannuation benefits paid as either a lump sum or pension are tax free and not assessable for income tax.
The world’s best investor, Warren Buffett, has suffered from the same disease that plagues every other successful fund manager in the world - fading out-performance over time.
Older Australians might be feeling their creaky knees, stiff backs and failing eyesight, but one thing they should not feel is neglected by government departments and agen-cies studying their potential financial futures.
There are valid reasons why economics is called the dismal science, and even the origin of the expression is distasteful.
Our post-work years often lack the structure and meaning that our working years did. For those looking for a substitute, volunteering might be the answer.
There’s been a lot of focus on the rejigged stage 3 tax cuts. But there’s another way to potentially reduce your taxes, and it receives comparatively little attention.
Today’s property landscape might seem unfriendly to first home buyers, but do younger Australians really have it worse than their parents did?
It’s not the end of the world if you and your partner aren’t totally compatible when it comes to money. But things can get particularly messy when one partner feels the need to lie to the other.
It’s common for retirement to not live up to our expectations. If you’re feeling nervous about your post-work years, here are a few things to keep in mind.
For some people, the financial impact of divorce can be as devastating as the emotional impact. Here are some tips to help you make it out the other side with your finances intact.
Many business owners understand the importance of keeping overhead low, profits high, and doing what they can to stay ahead of the curve. As individuals, we might be able to apply some of these strategies in our own lives.
If all has gone according to plan, you’ll have enough super to live comfortably in retirement. But there’s more than one way that super can be paid out, and what you choose to do with yours can make a big difference.
Cost of living pressures have piled on over the last 12 months, and many Australians have entered the new year with a sense of apprehension. For anyone looking to ease the stress, these tips might be a good starting point.
If the prospect of a comfortable retirement wasn’t incentive enough, there are a number of ways Australians can boost their retirement savings and save on tax at the same time.
How to accumulate money, spend it, and put it to work in service of our long-term goals are all important questions, and they tend to evolve as we age. Here are some common financial goals for each decade of life.
The challenges faced by both renters and first home buyers in 2023 look set to continue this year. Are you better off picking one over the other?
Retirement isn’t always as glamorous as it’s made out to be, but things can be especially challenging if the decision to leave the workforce wasn’t yours to begin with.
Whether you’re scouring the job boards or sitting across an interviewer, a prolonged absence from work can hurt your confidence. If you’re looking to get your career back up and running, here are some tips that might help.
Markets have seen an influx of new investors over the last few years, but many Australians remain painfully unaware of some of the tax rules that apply.
There’s a lot more to the estate planning process than getting your Will sorted. Here are a few additional items that, depending on your situation, you might need to check off the list.
No one knows with certainty what their post-work years will look like, but there’s a lot we can do to help secure the retirement we want.
For financial educator Vanessa Stoykov, changing our attitude towards money means first understanding all the things that shaped it in the first place.
During your retirement years, you can access a portion of your super to fund your day-to-day needs while the bulk of your balance remains invested.
An early inheritance can make all the difference in your child’s life, but there are plenty of issues you’ll need to be aware of before parting with your cash.
The Age Pension is an important source of income for millions of Australian retirees. But there are plenty of rules you’ll need to be aware of before you apply.
Being proactive when it comes to your super can potentially have major benefits. Here are some steps you can take to help bring the retirement you want within reach.
Writing a Will can be a daunting — not to mention emotional — task. But without considering these questions, your efforts at end-of-life planning may be incomplete.
The low fixed rates many Australians locked in over the pandemic period are gradually expiring. If you’re worried about what’s on the other side of the fixed rate cliff, here are some tips to help you with coping.
During October, Global Share performance was poor. Global shares lost 1.0% on an unhedged basis, and lost 2.8% on a hedged basis.
During September, Global Share performance was poor. Global shares lost 4.0% on an unhedged basis, ..
During August, Global Share performance was mixed. Global shares gained 1.6% on an unhedged basis, but lost 2.2% on a hedged basis, due to a depreciating AUD relative to the USD.
Learn to spot the telltale signs of fraudulent messages and help keep your finances safe.
Is your empty nest no longer empty? Here are some ways to navigate the emotional and financial challenges of an adult child moving back home.
If you’re looking to invest for your child, you should know there can be major drawbacks to doing so in their name.
Are you confident your super will go to your preferred beneficiary if you pass away? Here are a few scenarios that might cause trouble for you.
There’s more to your super statement than how well your fund has performed. Here are a few questions to ask when you receive yours.
For anyone with uni debt, the recent indexation increase of 7.1% might come as a shock. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
Super funds invest in many different assets to grow members’ retirement savings, including unlisted assets. But do you know how they work?
AI is on the rise, and one group that’s been quick on the uptake has been cybercriminals. Here are just some of the ways the tech is being used to scam and steal.
During July, Global Share performance was favourable. Global shares gained 2.1% on an unhedged basis, and gained an even better 3.1% on a hedged basis, due to an appreciating AUD relative to the USD.
During June, Global Share performance was favourable. Global shares gained 3.1% on an unhedged basis, and gained an even better 5.6% on a hedged basis, due to an appreciating AUD relative to the USD.
Beating inflation is no easy task, but Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some handy tips to help make the rising cost of living more manageable.
The most valuable thing you own might not be your home, your car, or even your investment portfolio. We look at how to protect this often overlooked asset.
A lot has changed in the tax and super space this new financial year. Here’s a rundown of some of the most important items you should know about.
When it comes to your super, small decisions can have significant consequences. If you’re worried about things snowballing, consider these strategies.
High inflation may have complicated your plans to retire early, but there are few things you should consider before giving up.
During May, Global Share performance was mediocre. Global shares gained 1.2% on an unhedged basis, but lost 0.2% on a hedged basis, due to a depreciating AUD relative to the USD.
Worried that you won’t be able to give your family a helping hand in life without dipping into your retirement savings? Here are a few tips.
Do you struggle with impulsive spending or find saving money a chore? These small behavioural changes could help.
Rising interest rates have been a thorn in the side of mortgage holders. But there is some good news to come from the RBA’s rate hikes.
The Government has announced its intention to change the tax concessions for certain super accounts if you have a total super balance of more than $3 million.
If you’re an employee receiving the standard super guarantee (SG) rate, you can look forward to a super boost from 1 July 2023 when the SG rate increases from 10.5% to 11%.
During April, Global Share performance was solid. Global shares gained 1.6% on a currency hedged basis, but gained an even more impressive 4.5% on an unhedged basis, due to a depreciating AUD relative to the USD.
If rising rental payments have fuelled your desire to break into the property market, here are a few government programs that may help.
As far as life changes go, a breakup can be among the most stressful. Here are some tips on how to make it out the other side with your finances intact.
We look at some of the reasons your pension payments might be falling short and what you can do about it.
Tax time is often stressful, but with a few smart strategies you may be able to minimise your tax burden and give yourself a nice little refund at the same time.
On Tuesday 9 May, Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down the 2023-24 Federal Budget. Read about what the proposed measures could mean for you.
During March, Global Share performance was solid. Global shares gained 2.5% on a currency hedged basis, but gained an even more impressive 3.9% on an unhedged basis, due to a depreciating AUD driven down by a widening interest rate differential between Australia and the U.S. In the U.S., Information Technology was the best performing sector for March, followed closely by Communication Services. Financials was clearly the worst performing sector, which was no surprise given the issues in the banking sector during the month.
You don’t need a lump sum to keep the momentum going on your investments. Smaller, regular investments can be just as powerful.
If you’re suffering from Fear of Running Out (FORO), we’ve got some ideas to get you unstuck and on track with your future.
When mortgage repayments are on the up, using your home loan features to their full advantage can be a smart strategy.
We share some smart strategies to help keep your plans to start a family firmly intact.
After booming returns in January, the month of February saw most markets sell off. Global Share performance was weak.
Insurance premiums that are deducted from your super balance are easy to forget about. If you have insurance through super, read on.
Kick fear to the curb with some useful and practical tips on staying financially and emotionally resilient when things feel unsteady.
When was the last time you reviewed your Will? Do you even have one? Learn the common life events that can date your current Will.
Helping out loved ones is often part and parcel of being in a family. But are you overextending on your finances and time?
If you’re in your 50s and selling your home is on the radar, you may be able to use some of the proceeds to boost your super.
Contemplating a career change? Read on for some practical things to consider before you take the plunge.
Moving into aged care can be a daunting prospect. Louise Biti from Aged Care Steps shares some practical tips to help parents settle in sooner.
Conversations about money can be hard at the best of times. We share some tips on how to ease tension and get things flowing.
Learn some simple ways to help set yourself up to be fighting fit for the year ahead.
Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell shares some insights on the kind of goals that can lead to greater happiness.
Are you making the most of the types of super contributions on offer? We share three things that might just surprise you.
Investing in an education bond is one way to invest and save for a child’s education. We explain how they work.
Is a move to the country or coast in your near future? Make sure the practicalities stack up for you.
With the cost of fuel eating into household budgets, is it time to assess the financial merits of going electric?
If your leftover super is headed to adult children when you pass away, then be sure to take note of the significant tax implications.
With the holiday season upon us, now might be a good time to make learning about money fun. We share some ideas.
Taking some time out to reflect on the past twelve months can help set you up for a good year ahead.
Passing on your wealth to the next generation can come with complexities. Lawyer Katerina Peiros shares some common pitfalls to watch out for.
When is the ‘right time’ to sell a property? Read up on things to consider when weighing up your options.
Fraser Jack at Cyber Collective shares some essential ingredients to a safety-first mindset online, and practical tips to help protect yourself.
If you’re in the lead up to retirement, you may be wondering what you can do to help keep your retirement plans on track. Read on for some ideas.
If you have a habit of getting caught up in a last minute gift-buying frenzy, we’ve got some tips to help keep your finances under control.
On 25 October 2022, Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down an updated 2022-23 Federal Budget. Read about what these proposed measures could mean for you.
Mortgage Broker Catherine Denney from Nook Money shares tips to help with getting a good outcome from a phone call to your lender.
When interest rates change, checking in on your savings strategy can be a good idea. We share some things to consider if you are thinking about investing in a term deposit.
Money worries can affect even the strongest relationships. We share some ideas on helping to keep financial harmony intact with your nearest and dearest.
Deciding on the type of aged care is often one of the most difficult decisions to make. We look at the main differences between in-home care, residential care, and retirement living.
Being self-employed can come with its challenges. If you have ‘lumpy’ income to deal with, here are a few tips on how to manage this income in good times, and bad.
Often the biggest realisations in life only come with lived experience. We share 5 life lessons that seem to have stood the test of time.
Is the thought of budgeting enough to make your eyes glaze over? Here are a few ideas to turn budgeting boredom on its head.
Simon O’Connor, CEO of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) shares some insights from their annual benchmarking report.
Is retirement something you dream about, or dread? We look at some things to weigh up when planning your retirement timeline.
Putting legal arrangements in place with family members might seem unnecessary, but it may help protect you and your children if things go wrong.
How is your financial health? Check in on your finances with these simple and practical tips.
Your annual statement can provide an opportunity to scrutinise your super. Here we cover some areas to review when it comes your way.
Hear from family lawyer Bhavesh Mistry about ways to get your financial affairs in order while you have time on your side.
Clearing debts can be a liberating experience. We look at good vs bad debt, and some common debt repayment strategies.
Introducing kids to the idea of investing to build long-term wealth could be life changing. We share some ideas on how to get the conversation started.
Deciding whether to boost your super, pay down your mortgage, or help your kids out is a common dilemma. We look at some of the considerations to weigh up.
The effects of the pandemic have led to significant increases in life insurance premiums in recent months. We look at what to consider before making any changes to your policy.
Read about some of the key changes to super, tax, and social security measures as the new financial year gets underway.
One way to prepare for uncertainty is to consider and plan for alternative outcomes. We discuss putting higher lending rates and mortgage repayments to the test.
With ESG investing continuing to be on the rise in Australia, we look at potential considerations when thinking about your investment portfolio.
Letting your kids in on money decisions can provide a great opportunity to pass on some money wisdom and learn a few lessons of your own.
Explore the strategies that can help with protecting the value of retirement savings, now and into the future.
When markets go up and down, revisiting the ‘golden rules’ of investing can often help with staying calm and confident.
Just when you thought you’d reached your limit, life throws more unexpected challenges directly in your path. Read on for some tips to get you through a difficult time.
Your money and emotions are interconnected, more than you might realise. Learn some handy tips on how to navigate uncomfortable emotions and make smarter money decisions.
If your saving efforts are feeling sluggish, here are some simple yet effective science-backed ideas to try on for size. One might just work for you.
EOFY is just around the corner. Learn 5 things that may help to reduce your personal income tax and/or provide for your retirement.
Stepping in to help children enter the property market might be a noble thing to do. But it can come with a few risks that are worth being aware of.
Vanessa Stoykov has known billionaires, millionaires, and those who aspire to be—and there are two common denominators that come up time and time again. Find out what they are.
Becoming a master of delayed gratification means you can buy as many marshmallows as you want, forever. Delayed gratification is basically your ability to resist the allure of an instant reward.
Markets started the year on an extremely positive note. Both stocks and bonds producing significantly above average monthly returns.
Markets sold off in December to cap a year to forget for investors, with both stocks and bonds declining in the final month of 2022.
Global shares performed well over November (2.0% unhedged and 5.4% hedged). The rally in Materials and Industrials was among the strongest over the month, although all sub-sectors gained.
Global shares performed well over October (7.8% unhedged and 7.2% hedged). Energy stocks were broadly stronger following especially robust earnings.
We all like a good cost saving tip, even if it is something we already know. It never hurts to revisit some top tips and take a look at our current situation to see if there are savings to be made.
We spend a lifetime generating wealth but few of us spend the time to ensure it’s passed on in the way we want it to.
Global shares: it was another difficult month for the asset class with declines of 0.8% (unhedged) and 0.2% (hedged), although some markets (particular in Asia) were able to eke out gains.
Global shares had a poor month. Global equities (-3.2% unhedged and -7.4% hedged) significantly underperformed the broader Australian market during April.
Planning for a future where super is essential - but only one part of retirement planning – is where financial advice matters. Many people can manage single-focus decisions.
From 1 July 2022, if you’re a first home buyer you can release up to $50,000 (up from $30,000) from your voluntary super contributions to help you buy your first home. Under the scheme, voluntary concessional and non concessional contributions made on or after 1 July 2017 may be released from super to help you purchase your first home.
Imagine if you travelled back 30 years and told your past self how the world would change over the three decades that were to follow.
To be eligible to access super, you must be able to meet a specified condition of release. In this article, we give an overview of the conditions of release—which isn’t limited to ‘attaining age 65’.
Between June and November of 2021, a group of Australians collectively lost an estimated $374,000 to a crypto investment scam. We hear a lot about the highs but there are also many lows.
On 29 March 2022, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022-23 Federal Budget. We provide an overview of key proposed policy measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
Nominating your super beneficiary is something you have most likely been asked to do if you have a superannuation fund.
Global shares had a mixed month. Due to upward movements in the Australian dollar, on an unhedged basis, global shares were down 0.9%
The unexpected events of the past few years have made financial protection a front of mind matter for most Australians. Now more than ever we appreciate that life does not always go the way we plan. Having a plan in place if things do take an unexpected turn can mean that our health, lifestyle and family are better protected.
Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa shares five simple questions worth asking yourself that could very well save you thousands.
In the finance industry, there can be a considerable amount of jargon. In this article, we help clarify some of the commonly used jargon within the personal insurance space.
At 30 June 2021, 65% of all SMSFs had a corporate trustee structure—instead of an individual trustee structure. In this article, we discuss SMSF trustee responsibility, eligibility, and structure types.
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey collects information on many aspects of life. In this article, we explore retirement trends highlighted in the 2021 HILDA Survey.
Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa explains the benefits of safety nets—and three steps to consider when looking to build one.
“Our future self is the beneficiary or unfortunate inheritor of all our major decisions and daily choices.“ (Ganschow et al., 2021). In this article, we share an exercise on future self-continuity.
If you work casual or part-time, take time out of work, or have ‘lumpy’ income, it can mean periods where no super contributions are made. In this article, we discuss the carry-forward provision.
Many older Australians desire to age in place, though housing and care needs change as people age. In this article, we cover retirees ageing in place—and the concept of a liveable and adaptable home.
Our super—and subsequent retirement income (and outcome)—can be boosted by, among other things, increasing our contributions. In this article, we cover boosting retirement savings with contributions.
Our present habits can often either help or hinder us in our pursuit of achieving our future goals. In this article, we discuss habits, and list 16 key financial habits worth considering for 2022.
When an underwriter assesses the information contained in an individual’s insurance application, the need to take risk-reduction action may be identified. In this article, we discuss revised terms.
When it comes to tax on concessional contributions, some high-income earners may have to pay an additional 15% tax (Division 293 tax). In this article, we provide a brief overview of Division 293 tax.
APRA supervises institutions and promotes financial system stability. In this article, we discuss APRA’s new guidance and direction regarding home loan serviceability and income protection insurance.
Housing (homeownership) is a key factor influencing retirement outcomes—not just financially speaking. In this article, we discuss retirement and several things to consider with regard to housing.
In our retirement years, a time may come when we need to consider aged care services to help with looking after ourselves. In this article, we discuss several different types of aged care services.
For the 2018-19 financial year, 436,952 individuals claimed on average $13,395 in deductions for personal super contributions. In this article, we briefly cover personal deductible contributions.
Global shares fell 2.8% and 5.5% in unhedged and hedged terms, respectively, which was a similar result to what we saw in January. Global emerging markets fell 5.8% over the month.
Since July 2018 thousands of people have taken advantage of the Government’s downsizer contribution scheme by selling their home and making contributions to their super.
Are you approaching retirement? Then chances are the funding of your lifestyle in retirement may be on your mind.
Global shares fell 2.2% and 5.1% in unhedged and hedged terms, respectively. Global emerging markets rose 1.2% over the month.
The last couple of years have been tough on a lot of people with the COVID pandemic throwing the world into chaos and taking a toll on our physical, mental, financial and emotional wellbeing.
Global shares rose 4.0% and 1.7% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. Global emerging markets fell 0.6% over the month, based on continuing concerns around the Omicron variant.
New year is a great time for making lifestyle changes, however, for goals and changes affecting your financial health, there’s often no better time than when starting a new job.
Global shares fell 1.6% and rose 3.7% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. Global markets fell (in local currency terms) driven by concerns over a new coronavirus variant, Omicron, emerging from southern Africa.
If you are a small business owner you would know the importance of having a good team behind you.
With a few simple changes, you could set a good example for your children.
Global shares fell 3.8% and 3% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
Taking care of household finances can be time consuming and boring – and often people don’t know where to start.
That means the longer you live, the more money you will need for your retirement. Whatever your plans, it’s vital you have a strategy in place so that you can build your retirement savings as much as you can before you retire.
On 1 July 2021, a new capital gains tax (CGT) exemption was introduced certain granny flat arrangements, making it easier for older Australians to enter formal granny flat arrangements with the added protection from possible financial abuse if circumstances within the family change.
As Financial Advisers we talk about superannuation a lot. So much so that it probably becomes a fuzzy word people don’t even hear any more. And the younger you are, the less interested you probably are.
As Financial Advisers we talk about superannuation a lot. So much so that it probably becomes a fuzzy word people don’t even hear any more. And the younger you are, the less interested you probably are.
There are key changes in the financial planning industry that came into effect on 1 July 2021. Your financial adviser is aware of these changes and can discuss them with you in relation to your own situation.
It seems we are increasingly using apps in everyday life. Apps can help us manage certain aspects of our lives, tap into things that are of interest to us, or keep track of different goals.
Compared to other investment structures, super is widely considered to be one of the most tax effective investment structures available from a wealth accumulation and cash flow generation perspective. Although not a comprehensive list, below are 11 of the top tax facts about super.
As the lockdowns extend in Australia stocks continue to ignore bonds
The COVID-19 pandemic has been impactful in many ways. For some, it has been a catalyst for reflection and change. In this TED Talk, Simon Sinek covers several quite deep and thought-provoking topics.
An unexpected traumatic event has the potential to have a serious financial impact on you. In this animation, we illustrate specified traumatic events that can be covered by trauma insurance policies.
Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa discusses the concept of life planning and money—and being the author of your own story.
Super is, without a doubt, complex and ever-changing. In this article, we share an important change to super following the recent passing of the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ legislation.
A new financial year can be an opportune time to take stock of your overall personal finances and make changes if needed. In this article, we provide a list of questions that may help you with this.
The commencement of a new financial year can see rates and thresholds increase (or decrease) and legislation take effect. In this article, we provide important information on changes from 1 July 2021.
At some point you will retire. Many of us hope that is sooner, rather than later. We hope that we can retire with enough life left in us to enjoy all the things that took a backseat during our working years. We want enough money to be comfortable and safe in the knowledge we won’t run out of money and have to go back to work, unless of course we want to.
Accumulating wealth in super takes, among other things, contributions. However, there are limits to this. In this article, we cover contribution eligibility conditions—maximum age and the work test.
Budgeting is an important foundation block for building and maintaining wealth. In this animation, we illustrate the power that can come from budgeting and putting in place an appropriate budget plan.
Personal insurances can be a key consideration when it comes to wealth accumulation and related health (and financial) risk management strategies. In this article, we summarise the main insurances.
An estimated collective total of $3.9 billion per year is spent on avoidable paid subscription services by Australian households. In this article, we explore spending and paid subscription services.
In 2018, 47% of Australians had one or more of the 10 major chronic disease groups. In this video, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) briefly covers the health of Australians in 2020.
When it comes to building and maintaining wealth, super is widely considered to be one of the most tax-effective investment structures available.
If you are in, or nearing, the retirement phase of your lifestyle you might be considering whether you want to stay in your current accommodation, or look for something to suit your needs as they change over the coming years.
In a year that has seen so many unexpected events take place it is top of mind for most Australians now more than ever that life does not always go the way we plan, but having a plan in place if things do take an unexpected turn can mean that our health, lifestyle and family are better protected.
In April 2020, underemployment hit a historic high of 13.8%. This Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) video covers the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our jobs, industry and the economy.
In April 2020, 1 in 3 household’s finances worsened. This Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) video covers the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our health, wellbeing, lifestyle and finances.
From a wealth accumulation and cash flow generation perspective, super is widely considered one of the most tax-effective investment structures. In this article, we cover 11 key tax facts about super.
When it comes to achieving financial wellbeing, financial literacy plays a key role. In this article, we have put together a quiz to test your knowledge across various areas of your personal finances.
We all tend to invest in either one or more of the different types of asset classes to help achieve our financial goals. In this animation, we illustrate the unique characteristics of each asset class.
With 30 June coming up, please consider putting aside time to review your personal finances—and take action, prior to this date, if appropriate. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.
Global shares rose 4% and 3.2% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. The rotation to stocks benefitting from a strong economic recovery faltered in April. Strong profit results for major US tech companies such as Google saw growth
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021-22 Federal Budget on 11 May 2021. We provide an overview of several key proposed policy measures that may be relevant to you.
In the 2021-22 Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed policy measures—ABC News’ Leigh Sales interviews the Treasurer to further discuss these proposed policy measures.
ABC News’ James Glenday unpacks the 2021-22 Federal Budget—Australia’s current and forecast economic and fiscal position, as well as the Government’s policy priorities (and proposed policy measures).
The JobKeeper Payment program, which began on 1 March 2020, has now ended (on 28 March 2021). In this article, we provide a status update on several of the other COVID-19 economic response measures.
According to ASFA, the lump sum savings required at retirement for a comfortable lifestyle is $640,000 for a couple. In this article, we cover building super savings together via spouse contributions.
In the finance industry, there can be a considerable amount of jargon. In this article, we help you to understand some of the commonly used jargon in the residential property investing environment.
Whether to keep or sell your home can be a complex decision when looking to enter residential aged care. In this animation, we illustrate the various options, and the potential impact of each on you.
The loss or damage to property due to storms and fire can be devastating. General insurance can help in this regard. In this video, the Bureau of Meteorology explains the recent weather conditions.
The Age Pension remains is a key source of income for many older Australians in retirement. In this article, we discuss the Age Pension and the eligibility tests that need to be met to qualify for it.
Our retirement income—and subsequent retirement outcome—can be affected by how we use our assets. In this animation, we illustrate one option to boost retirement income, the Pension Loans Scheme.
When establishing an insurance policy, it’s important to choose an appropriate ownership structure. In this article, we cover total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance and ownership structures.
The contributions caps limit the amount that can be contributed to super. In this article, we provide details on the future indexation of the contributions caps (concessional and non-concessional).
In June 2020, there were roughly 3.3 million couple families with both partners being employed. In this TED Talk, Jennifer Petriglieri offers guidance on how working couples can support each other.
Aged care is a complex and emotive topic and many people don’t think about their aged care needs until the time to do something is upon them – at which point the options can be limiting. This article explains a couple of the key areas to consider around your aged care plan.
Vaccination rollouts en masse - Global Shares and emerging Markets
The transfer balance cap limits the amount of super benefits that can be transferred to retirement phase. In this article, we provide information on the future indexation of the transfer balance cap.
For some investors, there may be a desire to align their investment values with their personal values. In this animation, we illustrate Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) investing in detail.
The income you receive will often be assessable for income tax purposes. However, there will also be instances where the tax payable may be reduced. In this article, we discuss several tax offsets.
A number of variables influence the insurance premiums payable on a personal insurance policy. In this article, we cover one such variable, insurance premium style and the options available.
For many, the 2020 calendar year and the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a sudden and dramatic workplace shift. In this Bloomberg video, there are insightful discussions on the future of work.
Have you made a big financial mistake in the past? One that cost you a lot of time and money to fix?
Come retirement, many factors can impact your super balance—such as time coupled with contributions. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details of concessional contributions.
2020 was a year unlike any other in recent memory—testing us financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally over an extended period. In this video, Google showcases searches that shaped 2020.
The making of a resolution can often be sparked post-reflection by our need or want to seek positive change in an area of our life. In this article, we discuss personal finance-related resolutions.
Diversification is a key risk management strategy used when constructing an appropriate investment portfolio. In this article, we provide information on investment portfolios and concentration risk.
There are over 100 lenders in Australia offering a combined total of nearly 4,000 different home loan products. In this article, we provide a general overview of home loan refinancing (or switching).
Global shares rose 3.4% and fell 0.5% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
With the increased activity online – be it due to working from home, home schooling, or simply because we have found a great availability of engaging and interesting content and streaming services, we are online a lot more and need to consider if we are adhering to safe cyber practices at home.
Global shares rose 7.7% and 12.2% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
The announcements in this article are proposals unless stated otherwise. These proposals need to successfully pass through Parliament before becoming law and may be subject to change during this process.
For some of us, saving may be second nature or come easy due to circumstance, while for others, it may be more of a struggle. In this animation, we illustrate the concept of SMART savings goals.
A mindful money practice requires you to pay full attention to your money on a moment-by-moment basis. In this TED Talk, Dr Shauna Shapiro discusses how mindfulness can help us make positive changes.
Australia’s retirement income system consists of a three-pillar approach. In this article, we highlight the key findings from the Government’s recently released Retirement Income Review final report.
The Parliament recently debated many important pieces of proposed legislation. In this article, we provide a summary of the main aspects of these now legislated taxation and social security Bills.
Many, but not all, pursuits and pastimes are often accepted at standard rates in a formal insurance application. In this article, we provide information on these and other pursuits and pastimes.
In the 2020-21 Federal Budget, proposed changes to individual taxation were announced. In this article, we provide an overview of these now legislated changes and what they may mean for you.
A pre-assessment is an informal way of finding out how insurers may view your formal insurance application. In this animation, we illustrate pre-assessments and their associated potential benefits.
Super benefits may comprise of two components: a tax-free and taxable (taxed element) component. In this article, we discuss a re-contribution strategy—one way to increase the tax-free component.
A home loan will most likely be the largest, and most time/cashflow-consuming, debt that you’ll pay off in your lifetime. In this article, we provide information on home loan repayment considerations.
Active saving and not borrowing for everyday expenses—these behaviours can positively impact your financial wellbeing. In this video, Saturday Night Live offers a light-hearted skit on this.
Global shares fell -3.2% and -1.1% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
Having an appropriate financial plan in place covers more than just investments and insurance. The same goes for a financial adviser – there are some you will just click with, who you will feel comfortable opening up to and working with over the long term, to improve your financial future.
A power of attorney is a legal document that gives someone the authority to manage your affairs on your behalf. In this article, we provide an overview of the different types of powers of attorney.
When looking to fund your retirement from your super benefits, it’s important to understand your options— and their appropriateness to you. In this animation, we illustrate super lump sum withdrawals.
As at 30 June 2019, there were 900 different medicines in 5,455 brands listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). In this article, we discuss the PBS, as well as the Pharmaceutical Allowance.
In 2016, roughly 8.4 million (62%) of Australia’s 13.6 million home-owners did some kind of home improvement. In this article, we provide information on home improvements and overcapitalisation.
Not all employees can choose the super fund for their employer contributions—recent legislation seeks to address this issue. Alongside this, we share a video by Jason Silva on the paradox of choice.
Global shares fell 2.9% and 0.3% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. Global equities were led on the downside by the US market with Tech stocks struggling as the techheavy Nasdaq Index fell by -5.2% in USD terms.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2020-21 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. We provide you with an overview of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
A transition to retirement income stream (TRIS), among other things, may help you ease into retirement—reduce your work hours, while maintaining your income level. In this article, we cover TRIS.
There may come a time in your life when you provide care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour. In this article, we discuss the Government’s financial assistance to eligible carers.
Australia is experiencing devastating and widespread bushfires; support for those impacted is overwhelming. In this video, the ACCC Chairman provides details on scammers targeting bushfire relief.
In the 2020-21 Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed measures, ABC News’ political correspondent, Greg Jennett, explains the key numbers behind some of these measures.
Deloitte Access Economics’ Chris Richardson and Burman Invest’s Julia Lee discuss their thoughts on the 2020-21 Federal Budget, especially in relation to the level of debt that has been announced.
Rational decision-making, especially during increased market volatility, can often make all the difference. In this video by Morningstar, market volatility and investment fundamentals are discussed.
Your beliefs on money can often govern what you associate with money, and the prospect of accumulating more money now and into the future. In this animation, we illustrate this in further detail.
As a result of the proposed measures that have come out of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's 2019-20 Federal Budget, ABC’s national affairs correspondent Greg Jennett explains the key numbers.
A mindful money practice requires you to pay full attention to your money on a moment-by-moment basis. In this article, we explore the benefits of practising this approach in your daily life.
For many of us, work forms a major part of our daily lives. In this article, we discuss burnout, work/life balance, and the importance of practising self-care over the festive season (and beyond).
Can a product’s price influence our pre-purchase expectation, and post-purchase experience, of its quality? In this video, National Geographic conducts a tasty experiment to investigate this further.
Several proposals regarding small and medium businesses, primary producers and farmers, consumers, aged care and education have recently been legislated. In this article, we unpack these for you.
From a care needs perspective, it’s vital to consider the retirement chapters we will move through, and plan accordingly. In this animation, we illustrate the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
When faced with a problem, it’s important to consider the approach you take to overcome it. In this TED Talk, Dr. Lani Nelson Zlupko provides strategies to overcome a personal or work-related problem.
Looking after our wellbeing is vital, especially in times of elevated stress or anxiety. In this video, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) provides some helpful self-care tips.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2019-20 Federal Budget on 2 April 2019. We provide you with a summary of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
Did you know that several wealth accumulation strategies can be impacted by your total super balance (TSB)? In this article, we discuss your TSB and these wealth accumulation strategies in detail.
A needs analysis can be an important initial step in the establishment of an appropriate personal insurance plan. In this article, we explore needs analysis and linked personal insurance policies.
Are you a new technology pioneer, or a proud ‘technophobe’? Wherever you sit on the digital spectrum, the transformative power of technology is undeniable. What’s important is how you harness it.
When managing your personal finances, ‘practice makes perfect’. In this video by Dude Perfect, a few individuals show that anything is possible if you put your mind to it…and practice.
Behavioural finance, a sub-field of behavioural economics, studies the psychology of decision-making. In this animation, we illustrate loss aversion, and how it can influence our decision-making.
Upon your passing, an intergenerational wealth transfer may occur; the transfer of your wealth to the next generation. In this animation, we illustrate important considerations regarding this event.
With the end of financial year on the horizon, it’s important to review areas of our personal finances, and take action if required, before 30 June. In this article, we discuss EOFY planning tips.
If you have received, or are expecting to receive, a tax refund this year, consider how it can be put to good use. In this motivational video, Tom Bilyeu talks on making your vision a reality.
The receipt and review of your annual super statement can assist you to stay actively engaged with, and well-informed on, your super. In this article, we provide a review checklist to help with this.
The pressure that can come with making a financial decision can lead to no decision being made and no action being taken. In this article, we discuss financial rules of thumb (decision shortcuts).
Insurance premiums can vary considerably from one person to the next due to the diverse range of variables at play. In this article, we explore several of these variables via a case study.
How you decide to spend your time can affect your ability to achieve your goals and objectives. In this article, we explore the importance of reflection on your current time management.
When transferring wealth before your passing, it’s vital to consider the potential financial impact to you. In this article, we discuss Age Pension entitlements, and the gifting and deprivation rules.
Are you a high-income earner with multiple employers? A bill that recently became law may be of interest to you. In this funny video, Mr Bean shows us how to not head off to work in the morning.
Over one-third of Australians don’t check the cash rate. In this animation, we illustrate the important relationship between monetary policy, cash rates and interest rates.
When disposing of an asset, you may find that you make a capital gain or loss. If you do make a capital gain, tax is generally payable. In this animation, we illustrate capital gains tax (CGT).
An account based income stream, can be one of the most tax effective ways to fund your retirement lifestyle. In this article, we discuss the top 10 facts about account based income streams.
One of the most important things we can do prior to our passing is to ensure we have a valid will in place. In this article, we provide an overview of various intestacy rules that exist in Australia.
Australians tend to spend more on and around their payday (regular income payments), relative to their average level of daily spending. In this article, we explore consumer payments behaviour.
In this highly emotive TED Talk, Jonathan Gravenor shares his life’s journey – confronting his own mortality, and in doing so, launching himself on a pilgrimage to become a better man.
When making financial decisions, it’s important to take the time to consider your two self’s: your present self; and, your future self. In this animation, we illustrate this concept further.
Many Bills lapsed following the dissolution of parliament ahead of the federal election. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to employment, social security and superannuation.
What would you do if you became sick or injured and were unable to keep your business running? It’s not something that is often thought about, but it is important to take a moment to consider it.
Proper, ongoing management accounting is crucial for running a successful, long-term business. This is the same for your personal accounting. In this article, we explore personal financial statements.
When investing for the future, it’s important to understand the different types of asset classes (i.e. cash, fixed interest, property and shares). In this article, we explore asset classes further.
We are operating in a world where interest rates are now very low both overseas and here in Australia.
To access super, a condition of release must be met. In this article, we list these conditions of release, and also provide information on the potential long-term impact of accessing super early.
According to ATO data, for the 2017-18 financial year, 8,950,205 individuals claimed $2,424 on average in work-related expenses. In this article, we discuss work-related home office expenses.
In two recent articles, we provided overviews of the Government’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide an updated overview of the now legislated JobKeeper Payment.
In retirement, you may find your retirement lifestyle being funded by a variety of different sources. In this article, we provide an overview of Australia’s three-pillar retirement income system.
The saying ‘asset-rich, but income-poor’ can be an accurate description of the financial situation of some retirees. In this article, we look at the Government’s Pension Loans Scheme.
Flexible working arrangements can include, among other things, remote working. In this video, the Wall Street Journal showcases how to create an ergonomic working environment.
The Treasurer delivered a ‘mini-budget’ on 23 July 2020—an economic and fiscal update. In this article, we provide a summary of the update, inclusive of the main personal finance-related points.
Estate planning is about planning who gets what assets, at what time and in what manner upon your passing. In this crossword, we cover the different components relating to the planning of your estate.
When it comes to mitigating retirement-related risks, and providing for your retirement lifestyle, there can be several strategies employed. In this animation, we illustrate the three-bucket approach.
‘It’ll be right’ or ‘bulletproof’ is a health mindset held by some of us. In this article, we unpack key findings into the prevalence, incidence, risk and cost burden of ill health in Australia.
For first homebuyers especially, saving for a home deposit can often take a considerable amount of time and effort. In this article, we offer some helpful tips.
When looking to enter the property market, gauging our potential borrowing power can be useful. In this animation, we illustrate borrowing power—both potential and actual borrowing power.
There can be many benefits to holding life insurance. In this article, we discuss several supplementary provisions held within some life insurance policies that have a focus on enhanced coverage.
Guardian Australia's political editor Katharine Murphy highlights the political context of the 2019-20 Federal Budget, given the Government’s wish to hand it down before the next election.
Genetics, gender, healthcare and lifestyle are all factors that can affect longevity. In this TED Talk, Susan Pinker, a longevity researcher, discusses an often overlooked factor, social interaction.
Understanding where you are and where you want to be is important when setting out to achieve the latter. In this animation, we illustrate the phrase, ‘your financial situation, goals and objectives’.
Global food waste has wide-reaching economic, environmental and social implications. In this video, Dr. M. Sanjayan explores business and household food waste problems and solutions.
Estate planning is about planning who gets what assets, at what time and in what manner upon your passing. In this article, we provide the answers to our recent estate planning crossword.
Our ideas about people in other places and cultures live can be formed by the images we see in the media. In this TED Talk, Anna Rosling Rönnlund discusses an alternative viewpoint, Dollar Street.
Minimalism involves reviewing your priorities and removing excesses that don’t add value to your life. In this video, Matt D’Avella shares how minimalism helped him with his personal finances.
When an adverse event does occur, the outcome for those with an appropriate measure in place and those without can be vastly different. In this article, we list various personal finance measures.
When building and holding wealth, in certain circumstances, a non-super investment vehicle can be an appropriate consideration. In this animation, we illustrate investment (insurance) bonds.
Many Bills managed to become Acts before the dissolution of parliament. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to social security, superannuation and taxation.
Several changes are coming to superannuation, and action may be required on your part prior to 1 July 2019. In this article, we discuss the recently legislated Protecting Your Superannuation Package.
A key question to consider is whether you have enough savings at hand to weather an unexpected financial emergency. In this animation, we illustrate the importance of establishing an emergency buffer.
When assessing an investment’s performance, it’s important to consider the information in front of you. In this animation, we illustrate the difference between nominal and real rate of return.
The purchase of a consumer good or service can prompt the purchase of another consumer good or service, and so on. In this article, we explore household consumption and the Diderot Effect.
Preparing a Will can be complicated, especially if you have a complex family structure. Here are some tips to consider when writing a Will
PwC's chief economist Jeremy Thorpe discusses his thoughts on the 2019-20 Federal Budget, “Prudence prevails in this budget, but with challenges around low wage growth there’s a lot more to do.”
Following the federal election results, the Coalition has been re-elected. In this article, we provide a brief overview of one of their new proposed measures, the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme.
The increasing cost of goods and services is a reality most Australians have to deal with. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that living expenses for employee households were up by 1.1% from March 2020, compared to March 20191. This may not seem like a lot, but if living expenses go up and wages stay stagnant, it makes an impact of your overall household income and expenses ratio.
In the 2019 Budget, the Government announced their intention to provide more flexibility for older Australians to contribute to super. Accompanied by a clever Volvo video, we give an update on this.
Your money personality (i.e. Owl, Dolphin, Labrador or Monkey) describes your natural personality preferences for dealing with money. In this funny video by the BBC, we see some personalities at work.
When looking at long-term data, the workforce participation rate of those aged 65 and over has steadily risen over the years. In this article, we discuss working during retirement and the Work Bonus.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” (Norman Vincent Peale). In this SpaceX video, a Falcon Heavy rocket launches into space with a rather unique payload.
Federal Budget Summary, The 2020 Budget is all about jobs, jobs and spending to make more jobs.
As we approach the end of financial year (EOFY), this can be an opportune time to do some fine-tuning in areas of your personal finances. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.
Upon commencing an account-based pension, a minimum annual pension payment must be made (until such time that the pension ceases). In this animation, we illustrate the minimum annual pension payment.
Economic and financial issues continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s support of businesses in this difficult time.
The Global Retirement Index assesses and compares the level of retirement wellbeing and security in different countries around the world. In this article, we explore how Australia ranks.
Economic and financial issues continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s support for individuals and households in this difficult time.
Pre and post-retirement, it’s vital to understand the risks that retirees face and have a retirement plan in place to help weather these obstacles. In this animation, we illustrate sequencing risk.
Getting ahead financially can involve an analysis of your existing financial situation; seeing if adjustments are required in one or more areas. In this article, we discuss household financial waste.
When it comes to having a healthy relationship with money, now and in the future, your money beliefs can play an important role. In this animation, we illustrate five common money misconceptions.
Older Australians are increasingly choosing to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible. In this article, we provide a summary of the aged care and informal care space.
Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labours; but, can relaxing too much be a bad thing? In this article, we explore the physical activity and dietary guidelines for retirees.
A limit applies to the amount of super benefits you can transfer from accumulation phase to retirement phase to support an account-based pension. In this article, we discuss the transfer balance cap.
5-year survival rates for cancer can range from 16% (lung cancer) to 95% (prostate cancer). In this TED Talk, Dr Carl June, discusses a ground-breaking treatment method in the fight against cancer.
The festive season spirit is centred on giving (not receiving), whether material or immaterial. In this article, we list ways to help you (and your children) embrace the spirit of the festive season.
At some point in your life you may find that you need assistance to continue living at home. In this video, Saturday Night Live provide a light-hearted segue to talk about aged care services.
Life events can disrupt context cues and create opportunities to make decisions and implement new intentions and goals. In this article, we discuss financial needs and wants in a post-COVID world.
With a recently legislated Bill, many of us may have seen or are expecting to see a larger tax refund or smaller debt regarding our 2018-19 tax return. In this article, we explore LMITO, and tax refunds.
As a super fund member, you will be receiving your annual super statement soon. In this article, we provide you with a helpful checklist for reviewing this important document.
Being more energy-savvy in your home is not only good for the environment, but also for your hip pocket over the long-term. In this article, we provide a list of ways to become more energy-savvy.
In the process of preparing your tax return? Any potentially claimable work-related expenses? In this funny video, Jimmy Fallon talks to kids about what they think their parents do all day at work.
What is your ideal retirement? In this animation, we illustrate the reasons why some of us continue to (or recommence) work; the benefits of doing so, and the important considerations to be aware of.
There continues to be a rise in the uptake by consumers of ‘buy now, receive now, pay later’ services offered by providers (e.g. Afterpay). In this article, we unpack the review of these services.
A new financial year can mean change—thresholds and rates can increase (or decrease), and legislation can take effect. In this article, we provide information on change occurring from 1 July 2020.
The construction industry (among others) has been adversely impacted by COVID-19. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s recently announced HomeBuilder grant program.
With 2019 here, it’s time to kick-start your personal finances for the year ahead. In this article, we provide you with a financial checklist to help you take stock of your personal circumstances.
An important relationship exists between monetary policy, cash rates and interest rates. In this article, we take a look at what this relationship means for borrowers, savers and investors (retirees).
A recent survey has found that on average Australians have a financial wellbeing score of 59 out of 100. In this animation, we illustrate what is financial wellbeing, and the things that influence it.
Nearing or in retirement, for one reason or another, some of us can start to give thought towards a sea/tree change. In this article, we discuss relevant considerations before taking the dive.
An important part of wealth accumulation is putting appropriate strategies in place to manage risk. In this animation, we illustrate one such strategy – a comprehensive personal insurance plan.
The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a rather controversial social lifestyle movement that’s gaining some traction. In this article, we provide insight into this movement.
Whether you are a wealth accumulator or retiree, determining an appropriate investment risk profile is important. In this article, we discuss the process behind this in further detail.
Bridging the gap between the present and your vision for the future can often seem like an insurmountable task. In this TED Talk, Stephen Duneier explains how to achieve your most ambitious goals.
Once you reach age 65, making voluntary contributions to your superannuation can prove more difficult given contribution eligibility rules. In this animation, we illustrate the work test exemption.
A bill, which builds upon the previously passed ‘Protecting Your Super Package’, recently passed through parliament. In this article, we explore the combined impact of these pieces of legislation.
Retirement income can often come from several sources. In this article, given the low interest rate environment, we discuss retirement in general, and also changes to the Age Pension deeming rates.
As you close the chapter on 2018, it’s important to remember, “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.” (Unknown). In this video, Google showcases the searches that shaped 2018.
Are you looking for a broad overview of the existing self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector? In this article, we provide you with SMSF insights to help you get up to speed.
Financial literacy is an important life skill. In this article, we provide you with a simple exercise that you may find helpful in terms of getting the ball rolling with your children.
As you make your way through your retirement years, you may start to find that your expenditure on healthcare increases. In this article, we take a closer look at the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
Global shares rose 6.2% and 3.5% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. Global equities continue to be led by the US market with Tech stocks the leaders as the tech-heavy Nasdaq Index rose by 9.6% in USD terms.
If you are not ready to take your foot completely off the break as your working career slows down, you may find a happy medium and foster a healthy routine by working in retirement.
Research shows that parents’ actions affect their children’s behaviour and the effects can last into adulthood.1 This puts the onus on parents to help their children develop the skills and behaviours to make smart financial decisions – from learning about the importance of saving to the power of compounding interest.
If you are worried about the rising cost of living expenses and are not seeing any wage increases, then it’s time to get organised with your finances, set a realistic budget, work out what you can do without and where you can invest to save.
Global shares rose 4.7% and 3.4% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
Are you a new technology pioneer, or a proud ‘technophobe’? Wherever you sit on the digital spectrum, the transformative power of technology is undeniable. What’s important is how you harness it.
Global shares rose 3.3% and 0.6% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
Investment results tend to vary more widely when you just consider the returns over a period of one year.
Global shares rose 10% and 3.6% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
Global shares rose 2.3% and fell -1.1% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively.
We hope that we can retire with enough life left in us to enjoy all the things that took a backseat during our working years. We want enough money to be comfortable and safe in the knowledge we won’t run out of money and have to go back to work, unless of course we want to.